Monday, 20 January 2014

Sharing's Caring....

Ok, so the Manchester Advice Alliance forums are clearly going to be the best thing to happen to advice in Manchester in a long time, but we're not the only ones who've caught on to this idea that people sharing their skills and expertise is a great thing.... Skills Platform is a new website where you can create a profile listing the skills your organisation has to offer, and the ones you'd like to gain, and you can be matched up with load of people to share those skills with. Some services charge, others don't, so it could even prove a stream of income if you have some training that might be of use to people.

Check out the website for more details: and get sharing!

But don't forget to keep coming to the forums too. Obviously.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Get Your Voice Heard!!

Ok, we all know the world of advice is a little bit tough right now, but can you put your finger on exactly what the problem is? Do you want the chance to share your opinions with like-minded professionals across the sector? Do you want to contribute to the Alliance and be part of a wider voice for the sector?

Great stuff (I'm assuming you said yes, by the way....)! In that case, get involved with the Manchester Advice Alliance Advisor Forum, specifically designed to help frontline advice workers to share good practice, gain some new skills, and understand the range of services operating across the city.

If you're interested in attending the first meeting on January 23rd, 2:30-5pm please contact Rosi Hunter (0161 830 2073 /

Is the Voluntary Sector Dead?!

Ok, so here's a little something to think about...the voluntary sector, particularly advice services, had a pretty rough 12 months throughout 2013, and there's been a lot of damage inflicted. But what does that mean? Do we lie down and accept our fate as a 'dying service', or do we decide to do things differently and find new ways to survive....a kind of 'phoenix from the flames', if you will?

Last week, Tim Smedley wrote an article for The Guardian's Voluntary Sector Network site, suggesting ways in which we can work differently to rejuvenate voluntary services. This struck a chord here, as that's basically what the Advice Alliance is all about - finding new ways of working and delivering services in a changing environment. So have a look - it makes for interesting reading - and then come back here and let us know what you think....what should the Alliance be doing to ensure the future survival of advice in Manchester?

Monday, 13 January 2014

And so it begins...

....but hopefully won't continue... The MEN have reported that Southway Housing have started court proceedings against a tenant for arrears which are made up entirely of unpaid 'bedroom tax'; it's believed that this is the first case of its kind in Greater Manchester, and has unsurprisingly caused uproar, with campaigners intending to stage a rally outside the court. Read the full story, click the link included above.

This is certainly a concerning story, and hopefully isn't a sign of things to come, or no doubt you'll all soon be overwhelmed with people faced with homelessness. What are your thoughts? What do the RSLs need to do to support these vulnerable tenants? How can frontline advice workers best approach this new pressure on their workload? Comment below, let us know!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

'Bedroom Tax' Blunder!

The DWP have issued a statement which shows that some people should never have been charged the 'bedroom tax'. It seems that tenants who have been in continuous receipt of housing benefit since 1996 should not be subject to the spare room subsidy, and may be able to claim back-payments until April 2013.

For more information, visit the DWP website at:

Monday, 6 January 2014

Fabulous Funding...

Happy New Year! We hope you've all managed to relax just a little over the festive period, and are all jazzed up to tackle 2014 head on!*

So, fresh for the new year, Manchester City Council have a funding opportunity to offer you; there's a £250,000 pot available for assisting with food poverty which you can bid for a share of. The funding is available for both new and existing projects, so even if you just need support for work you're already doing, get in there!

More details, and the form to apply can be found here:

Good luck!

*It is acknowledged that most of you will currently be sat with your head in your hands, cursing Monday mornings, but we're trying to remain positive here...