Thursday, 28 August 2014

DWP Phone Numbers

At a meeting yesterday, a member of staff at a Manchester support service raised concerns that they have recently had an extraordinarily large phone bill from the line which they allow clients to use free of charge. It transpires that the leaflets people collect from Job Centre Plus / DWP are advertising 0345 numbers for people to call for support, which are premium rate. Obviously, we're concerned that if this is a widespread issue, it could cause financial issues for clients as well as for the organisations supporting them, so we'd love to hear from you - is this something you've experienced? If so, are there particular Job Centre Plus offices which are more guilty of handing out these numbers than others?

Comment below, or drop us an email....we'll see what we can do!

Have Your Say on a National Level!

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) is making a national call for evidence on the impact of welfare reforms. They feel that the voluntary sector hasn't, as yet, spoken collectively about the impact of the reforms on claimants and are keen to rectify this. They need your input, no matter what size your organisation is or what client group you work with, to let them know:
  • How the welfare reforms have affected your beneficiaries?
  • What changes have you made to your services as a direct result of the reforms and why?
  • What factors have affected your capacity to respond to changing demands?

  • To have your say and get your voice heard, go to to complete the consultation form.

    Tuesday, 26 August 2014

    Mind Your Money Expands Remit

    Mind Your Money, the service run by City South Manchester which aims to raise awareness of good financial decisions and help people on low incomes to maximise their money, has expanded its remit. They are now able to work with all council housing and housing association tenants, so this could be a good service to signpost some of your clients to.

    Clients should call 0161 227 1125 or 07908 640 161 to find out more about how to get involved. you can also check out their Facebook page here:

    Friday, 22 August 2014

    New vacancy

    Manchester CAB are recruiting for a Specialist Combined Welfare Benefits and Money Advice Caseworker - the post is a temporary position on a 12 month contract, but there is a possibility of contract renewal at the end of this time. The post is full time for 35 hours per week.

    Applications must be submitted by 5pm on Tuesday 9th September, with interviews taking place the following week.

    For more information and details of how to apply, click below:

    Your Weekly News Round-Up

    Again we have rounded up some fascinating news which may be of some interest to you, have a look..

    Thursday, 21 August 2014

    Funding Opportunity

    Yorkshire Building Society are celebrating their 150th birthday by opening a Charitable Fund, which will offer 15 UK charities a grant of £10,000. Their aim is to leave a lasting impact on the communities they serve.

    The four main areas for support are charities working with Children, Elderly, Disabilities and General Public. Application close on the 5th September, and for more details, visit this page:,DSCODE=J4BGR3,NEWSITEMID=252-N51641,SOURCE=NEWSL

    Housing Associations Hit Hard

    A story which really stood out to us above all others this week was this piece in the Observer:

    The piece reports that a number of Housing Associations around the country are asking tenants to start making additional rent payments now in order to avoid rent arrears once Universal Credit kicks in. Seems to us that asking for more money from tenants who are already struggling, rather than talking to them about preparing for UC is a touch irresponsible, but what do you think? Let us know - comment below!

    Friday, 15 August 2014

    Your Weekly News Round-Up

    We are back with more interesting news this week! Have a read..

    DWP staff who care?!

    Well, ok, they're now ex-staff because they care, but all the same, we thought this story was so great it needed posting separately to the weekly news round up!

    Three ex-Job Centre Plus staff have set up a website which offers help and advice to people who believe they're been wrongly sanctioned - unsurprisingly, now people are aware of it, the site is being inundated with requests for support!

    For the full story, click here:

    Wednesday, 13 August 2014

    Helping Hands in Harpurhey

    On Tuesday 19th August, 10am - 3pm, Harpurhey Market will be open for people to come along and access information, support and advice. Northwards Housing and Help with Rent will have specialist sites outside Asda and in the main car park, and there will also be stalls in the market itself. Why not encourage your clients to pop in and get some advice?