Tuesday, 16 December 2014

FREE Training Opportunity

As you know, we have Digital Access Points up and running in Gorton & Wythenshawe....places where people can go to get online for free, and access support from trained volunteers to make and manage benefit claims, find their way around the basics of computers, online job searches, finding information and support online...and really any online function!

We've heard a lot that the training our Digital Support Volunteers undergo would be really useful for a number of organisations and their staff and/or volunteers, so we're now offering it out, free of charge, to any of our Forum network members.
There are 5 sections of the training:
  1. Supporting clients with IT Basics
  2. Common applications made online
  3. When does support become advice (and how to avoid crossing the line)
  4. Signposting – where to send people when you’re not able to help / finding support online
  5. Dealing with difficult situations
However, we recognise that many organisations may already cover some of this material in their own training, so the session can be made bespoke for you. The length of the session is dependent on the group size and the number of sections included, but is never longer than a 10am - 4pm day.

If you're interested in receiving this training, please email Rosi to organise.

Fight for Legal Aid & Advice!

Justice Alliance North need you to stand up and be heard with them....on the 7th February 2015, they'll be holding a FREE event, as they aim to bring people together in the run up to the General Election to fight cuts to Legal Aid and Advice.

The event will be held at The Mechanics' Institute, and will share updates on domestic violence, welfare reform, poverty, mental health, disability, immigration, judicial reviews, criminal legal aid and what action can be taken to fight for advice in all of these areas. It will also bring people together to make a plan for securing comprehensive publicly funded legal advice and representation services by:
  • targeted lobbying of election candidates to stop & reverse the cuts;
  • organising campaign actions & publicity; and
  • getting more public support.
To book a place at this event, email northernsavejustice@gmail.com

7th February 2015, 10:30am - 3pm
The Mechanics' Institute
103 Princess Street
M1 6DD

Monday, 8 December 2014

Still We Rise - a date for your diary

Next Tuesday, 16th December at 6pm, Women Asylum Seekers Together and Manchester Migrant Solidarity are holding an event: 'Still We Rise', at Central Methodist Hall on Oldham Street. The event should last around an hour, and uses song, poetry, dance and drama to demonstrate the struggle women face as they struggle for freedom through the UK asylum system.

A flyer with more details can be found here: