Wednesday, 23 July 2014


July's Forum was a great session, with an informative talk from the Booth Centre on the new regulations for EEA migrants, as well as an opportunity for people to discuss the services their organisations offer in the hope of making better signposting connections. We also covered the usual forum 'rolling topics', as well as giving an update on what the Alliance have been up to. The notes, plus the slides from the presentation can be found below:


Most importantly, we talked about the next forum, and we really need your feedback on this as a matter of urgency. Firstly, the topic - we're hoping to provide a full training session for either a full or half day (topic dependent) and we want to make sure it's the right choice of topic for you, so we need your input. Secondly, the date - it was due to be held on August 21st, but we recognise that services may be even more pushed than usual over the summer holidays, meaning that taking time out for training is impossible, so we're asking if it would be better to move it to the first week in September.

What you need to do:
Comment below, or email to let us know your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices of training topic from the following options:

PIP - what you need to know
Universal Credit
Welfare Reform & Sanctions
Welfare Benefits Refresher / Update
ESA Appeals
Housing Benefit Problem Areas
Bedroom Tax - 1 Year On
Dealing with Destitution
Challenging PIP decisions

Also, let us know if you'd prefer to keep the date as the 21st August, or if it would be better in September.

Please get back to us by 5pm, Monday 28th July.

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