Tuesday, 16 December 2014

FREE Training Opportunity

As you know, we have Digital Access Points up and running in Gorton & Wythenshawe....places where people can go to get online for free, and access support from trained volunteers to make and manage benefit claims, find their way around the basics of computers, online job searches, finding information and support online...and really any online function!

We've heard a lot that the training our Digital Support Volunteers undergo would be really useful for a number of organisations and their staff and/or volunteers, so we're now offering it out, free of charge, to any of our Forum network members.
There are 5 sections of the training:
  1. Supporting clients with IT Basics
  2. Common applications made online
  3. When does support become advice (and how to avoid crossing the line)
  4. Signposting – where to send people when you’re not able to help / finding support online
  5. Dealing with difficult situations
However, we recognise that many organisations may already cover some of this material in their own training, so the session can be made bespoke for you. The length of the session is dependent on the group size and the number of sections included, but is never longer than a 10am - 4pm day.

If you're interested in receiving this training, please email Rosi to organise.

Fight for Legal Aid & Advice!

Justice Alliance North need you to stand up and be heard with them....on the 7th February 2015, they'll be holding a FREE event, as they aim to bring people together in the run up to the General Election to fight cuts to Legal Aid and Advice.

The event will be held at The Mechanics' Institute, and will share updates on domestic violence, welfare reform, poverty, mental health, disability, immigration, judicial reviews, criminal legal aid and what action can be taken to fight for advice in all of these areas. It will also bring people together to make a plan for securing comprehensive publicly funded legal advice and representation services by:
  • targeted lobbying of election candidates to stop & reverse the cuts;
  • organising campaign actions & publicity; and
  • getting more public support.
To book a place at this event, email northernsavejustice@gmail.com

7th February 2015, 10:30am - 3pm
The Mechanics' Institute
103 Princess Street
M1 6DD

Monday, 8 December 2014

Still We Rise - a date for your diary

Next Tuesday, 16th December at 6pm, Women Asylum Seekers Together and Manchester Migrant Solidarity are holding an event: 'Still We Rise', at Central Methodist Hall on Oldham Street. The event should last around an hour, and uses song, poetry, dance and drama to demonstrate the struggle women face as they struggle for freedom through the UK asylum system.

A flyer with more details can be found here:

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Putting the 'Fun' in Fundraising...

Do you fancy helping to raise money for the Women's Domestic Abuse Helpline, and getting to have fun while you're at it? They're holding a quiz at the Nip & Tipple, 197 Upper Chorlton Road on Monday night, and they'd love for you to join them....so much so, they've even put on a buffet for you! Tickets (for the quiz and buffet) are £12.50, or £10 for concessions; the buffet opens at 6, with the quiz starting at 6.45pm.

And here's the nice shiny flier:

Monday, 24 November 2014

Your Weekly News Round-Up

As you may have already read about the cuts Manchester City Council wish to make, we would like you to take this opportunity to help us campaign against it. Please help us by signing the petition, all the information you need is on the newsletter.

We have also included some interesting news articles for you to read!


Protest Against the Cuts

A date for your diary, folks. On 10th December (Human Rights Day, no less) from 12-2pm at St Peter's Square, Safety4Sisters will be leading a demonstration against the new round of cuts by Manchester City Council. The message is simple: 'Protest the Cuts - Protect Our Services'

For more information on how to add your voice to the protest, click the link for the full leaflet:

Could your clients use AbilityNet?

AbilityNet are an organisation who offer free computer help to disabled people (including those with an age-related disability) in their own homes / residential homes. There are no formal referral systems, clients just need to call the free helpline number and request an appointment. If this is a service which could be useful to your clients, take a look at the leaflet below and encourage people to call!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Do your clients know about the Fit For Work service?

Pathways CIC are focused on helping people who are off work sick to improve their health and wellbeing to ensure they feel well prepared to re-enter the workplace when they are ready.

The Fit 4 Work scheme is available to residents in all areas of Manchester, and clients can either self-refer, or request to be referred by their GP. There is also a Fit 4 Work scheme for the unemployed available to residents of North Manchester, which supports those who are out of work due to a health condition to manage their condition more effectively, tackle any issues they are currently faced with, whilst improving their quality of life.

If you'd like more information on either service, or would like some hard copy leaflets to provide to your clients, contact Pathways CIC on 08717 813 548, or email ffw.enquiries@pathwayscic.co.uk

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Save Advice Services in Manchester

In case our email passed you by (and if you're not on our list, get yourself signed up!), advice services in Manchester are under serious threat if the Council's proposed cuts go ahead. The extent of the cuts would see a number of services close, and free & impartial advice services become a thing of the past for Manchester residents. It's vital that we do all we can to fight this, and stop proposed cuts becoming a reality. Please sign this petition and show your support for saving Manchester's advice services: https://www.change.org/p/manchester-city-council-we-call-on-manchester-city-council-to-reconsider-their-proposals-to-cut-funding-to-advice-services-and-the-community-voluntary-sector

Opportunity for Clients - Public Services Complaints

Manchester CAB are running an event next week for anyone who's ever wanted to complain about public services (I'm sure you all know a few...!) As you can see, the event runs from 1-3pm next Wednesday, 26th November, and there is a £25 voucher for all participants, as well as travel expenses reimbursed.

If you have clients who might be interested in attending, please take their name and number, and pass them to Marsha Healy at CAB: marsha.healy@manchestercab.org / 0161 203 2516

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Manchester City Council Cuts

Manchester City Council have announced their 2015-17 'budget options' and their proposed plans. With a further £59m to cut from their budget in 2015/16, they've got their work cut out for them and, unsurprisingly, a huge number of valuable services are facing extensive cuts. We all know that this will have a devastating effect on the sector, as community and voluntary services aren't going to fare well; you can see their proposal for cuts here:

Now, there's no denying that this is a pretty bleak picture and there's limited action to be taken, but the Council have announced that they'll be holding a consultation process for people to comment on the changes being made. The timeline for that is published here: http://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/200110/budgets_and_spending/6729/the_consultation_process
It seems unclear whether they will invite feedback from organisations, or only individual residents, but if the former, would you want the Alliance to co-ordinate a response, as we are doing for the Work & Pensions Committee? Let us know your thoughts...comment below.

MORE changes to EEA rules....

In case you're not already aware, as of 10th November there are further changes to the rules for EEA nationals who claim benefits with a qualifying right to reside as a jobseeker. This means that EEA nationals will now only be entitled to benefits for 3 months, as opposed to 6, before they must provide 'compelling evidence' of being engaged in work. However, this won't affect EEA jobseekers who have an alternative right to reside, or who are exempt from the Habitual Residence Test.

We have no doubt that this will affect many of your clients - what do you see the impact being, and do you have a plan to tackle this? Let us know by commenting below...

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Speak Out on Sanctions!

This week, the Work and Pensions Committee have launched an inquiry into Benefits Sanctions. We know that this is an area where you all have a lot to say, so we thought it would be great if we could pool all your experience and expertise into one consultation response, submitted by Manchester Advice Alliance. They are particularly interested in:
  1. Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) sanctions, including: whether the current ESA sanctions regime is appropriate and proportionate for jobseekers with ill health and disabilities; and the reasons for recent sharp increases in the number of ESA sanctions
  2. Whether particular groups of ESA and JSA claimants (by impairment type; age; gender etc.) are proportionately more likely to be sanctioned than others
  3. To follow up the Committee's recommendation for a full independent review, to investigate the purpose, effects and efficacy of benefit sanctions, and to consider the issues such a review would need to take into account, including:
  4. What are the current sanctions regimes trying to achieve and what evidence is there that they work?
    • To what extent are sanctions justified solely as a means of ensuring that unemployed benefit claimants fulfil the conditions of benefit entitlement?
    • What evidence is there that benefit sanctions also encourage claimants to engage more actively in job-seeking and ultimately move into employment? How could this be measured?
    • What are the wider implications of sanctions in terms of their impacts on claimants?
  5. What are the alternatives to the current sanctions regimes? For example:
    • How might the current system of financial sanctions be altered to make it more appropriate or effective?
    • Is there a case for non-financial sanctions?
    • What form could non-financial sanctions take?
    • Are there examples of good practice from other countries?
If you have anything to contribute on any of these points, email it to rosi.hunter@manchestercab.org
by 5pm on Wednesday 26th November. We'll then compile a joint response and get it sent off.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Your Weekly News Round-Up

Back with a new range of news articles! Get reading!


MORE Free Training!

Good news! It seems (unsurprisingly) that the session Stephenson's Solicitors on 'Discrimination in the Welfare System' has been incredibly popular and it's now full....so they're putting on another! Hooray! The new session will run at 10am on Wednesday, 26th November, at Partington Library & Wellbeing Centre, Central Road, Partington, M31 4FY.

If you'd like to attend, email Michelle Tilley, or give her a call on 01942 774 598.

Monday, 3 November 2014

FREE Training!

Do you work with young people aged 16-25? If so, you may be interested to learn that YPSF have a couple of FREE spaces on their Money Skills Training course on Thursday 6th November, 1-5pm. The training will take you through how to use the financial capability toolkit recently developed and released by Barclays, and help you develop the skills to deliver financial education to the young people you support.

The training objectives are as follows:

  • Understand more about why it is important to teach young  people about money
  • Understand the meaning of the term financial capability
  • Have explored and experienced activities from the toolkit
  • Have explored personal attitudes, values and behaviours towards money management and identified and looked at barriers
  • Have planned and delivered an activity from the toolkit.
If you're interested in attending, please contact James Walklate

Have Your Say!

From the forums, we know that your experience of DWP decision-making, reconsideration and appeals has been, overall, less than positive (to say the least!) Well, now the Low Commission on the Future of Advice and Legal Support is interested in hearing from the advice sector about these experiences, so if you have the opportunity to feed into the survey if you work in any of the following roles:
  • welfare rights adviser
  • project funded benefits adviser
  • advice session supervisor
  • generalist adviser
  • social welfare lawyer
  • money adviser dealing with benefit problems
  • MP's caseworker
  • CAB social policy co-ordinator
  • CAB or Advice Centre Manager.

The survey can be completed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DX2NG7S.

You can read more about the Low Commission on their website at http://www.lowcommission.org.uk/About.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Discrimination in the Welfare System - free training!

GMWRAG have very helpfully drawn our attention to the fact that Stephensons Solicitors are running a FREE training session on 26th November, 1.30pm at Partington Library & Wellbeing Centre. The session will examine how claimants can challenge and dispute decisions made on benefit claims which may discriminate against them due to their health conditions.

The session is free, but spaces are limited; further sessions may be run if demand is sufficient.

To book a space, or to get more details, contact Michelle Tilley by email or phone 01942 774 598.

Funding Finds....

Young people....that's where the money is today!

Children in Need's Winter Funding Programme is now open, and will offer grants of up to £10k for a one year project, or over £10k for an up to three year project. All projects must benefit young people under the age of 18 who are experiencing disadvantage through:
  • Illness, distress, abuse or neglect.
  • Any kind of disability.
  • Behavioural or psychological difficulties.
  • Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.

  • For more info, visit the main BBC CiN website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1N4ddmFHns8VPKjyp3PMYwn/apply-for-a-grant  Deadlines are 1st December for Small Grants, or 15th January for Main Grants.

    In addition, the Department for Education has just opened its National Prospectus Grants Programme for working with young people along 7 different 'themes'. Projects will be funded for 1 year and must have national significance. There is no minimum/maximum award, but it is anticipated that awards will be made between £100k & £750k. For more details, see this link: https://online.contractsfinder.businesslink.gov.uk/Common/View%20Notice.aspx?site=1000&lang=en&NoticeId=1592512

    Who Are We Missing?

    We were delighted to have so many people attending the October Forum, but we want to make sure that our network continues to grow and that we're reaching as many people as possible. If you're aware of other organisations who you think might benefit from attending forum meetings and being part of the network, please comment below, or send me their contact details to rosi.hunter@manchestercab.org

    Let's make this thing MASSIVE!

    Tuesday, 28 October 2014

    Does 'Poverty Porn' Undermine the Welfare State?

    On Thursday, 6th November, there's an interesting event taking place at Z-Arts, 335 Stretford Road, Hulme, Manchester, M15 5ZA....come along to discuss the increase of documentaries such a Benefits Street, dubbed 'Poverty Porn', and referenced by coalition politicians as evidence for the need for welfare reform. These programmes raise questions on the impact of stigmatising media portrayals of poverty on government policy and public attitudes towards welfare, so take the opportunity to engage in discussion with the media, politicians and academics, as well as people from the wider community.

    The audience will participate in a discussion on the impact of the media and how stigma shapes policy on poverty. There will be an opportunity to discuss this with people who shape policy, media responses and leading academics.

    I've attached a poster for you here - they're keen to have people attend from all over the city, and if you'd like any posters (3 different designs!) or leaflets, please contact me on rosi.hunter@manchestercab.org

    I'll hopefully see you there!


    Monday, 27 October 2014

    Outstanding October Forum....and December Details!

    October's forum was an all round success, with a fantastic 36 people attending, representing 22 organisations. The main highlight was Colin Billingsley, DWP's External Relations Manager, coming to talk about Universal Credit, and answer questions about how it will work on the ground. You can find the full notes from the session below, as well as a copy of Colin's presentation.

    Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPTFJXdkZmZjBsakE/view?usp=sharing
    Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPN1dLZkZrMVR3NE0/view?usp=sharing

    Furthermore, we've got details of the next forum already! We'll have 2 guest speakers - Lynne Brown from the Welfare Provision Scheme, and Chris Hulse - DWP's Partnership Manager. We'll also have all the regular 'rolling topics' on the agenda, as well as an opportunity for you to feed in to an exciting event we're planning for 2015...book your space here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/maa-december-forum-tickets-13870610369
    NB: Venue has not been confirmed yet; it is likely to be Central Hall on Oldham Street, but may need to be adjusted depending on the group size.

    Friday, 24 October 2014

    Your Weekly News Round-Up

    Keep up-to-date with our weekly news round up! Welfare related articles that you may have missed..


    Will you be watching?

    Anyone who attended the forum last week will be well aware that our speaker, Colin Billinglsey, was delayed due to a last minute request to take part in a Dispatches show for Channel 4....Well, ladies and gents, that programme is ready for screening, and will be hitting your TVs on Monday night. Make sure you tune in to watch 'Benefits Britain' on Channel 4, 8pm Monday 27th October. For more information on the programme, click here:

    Let us know your thoughts by commenting on this post afterwards!

    Friday, 10 October 2014

    Your Weekly News Round-Up

    This week we are back with some more interesting articles for you to have a read..


    Could You be a Marvellous Mentor?

    Manchester Mind are looking for volunteers to train as mentors and work one-to-one with people with mental health difficulties. If you're friendly, patient, and good with people then you're just who they're looking for, and they'll gladly train you to train to support someone to improve their mental health.

    This is a great opportunity for anyone thinking of starting a career in mental health or a way or just looking for a way to give something back...and especially worth mentioning today as it's World Mental Health Day. Applications are also welcomed from people with lived experience of mental health problems. If you're interested, drop an email to volunteering@manchestermind.org to find out more and apply.

    Friday, 3 October 2014

    Your Weekly News Round-Up

    We are back again this week with some more beneficial information! All about the recent cuts that have been happening so it's worth having a read..


    Monday, 29 September 2014

    Greater Manchester Poverty Action Group

    Greater Manchester Poverty Action Group send out a regular news update to keep people up to date with the headlines which affect their client group, as well as their own work and events. In the latest issue, you can find out more about their upcoming week of action, 'Tackling Food Poverty Together' which will be launched at a business breakfast on 10th October....The Alliance will be there, so we hope to see some familiar faces! Find out more, and read the full newsletter here:


    Last Weeks - Your Weekly News Round-Up

    We have gathered up some more enthralling news for you to read!


    Tuesday, 23 September 2014

    Do you know about the British Gas Energy Trust?

    Listed below is the help available through the British Gas Energy Trust Team at Manchester Citizens Advice Bureau.

    The aim of the Trust is primarily to reduce fuel poverty by awarding grants to clear arrears on gas/electricity accounts (for all providers excluding Npower and EDF). The Trust does however also have a limited budget for further assistance payments and can apply for ONE of the following:
    • White goods- washing machines, cookers and fridge freezers
    • Funeral payments (refused application/ shortfall from DWP or clients are ineligible for help through DWP)
    • DRO and bankruptcy fees (from Money Advice Caseworkers ONLY)
    • Boilers (for home owners who are ineligible for government schemes and have severe health issues)
    NB. Clients DO NOT need to be a British Gas customer to apply for Further Assistance Payments  

    Experience shows that clients who are most likely to receive an award from the Trust would need to have some degree of vulnerability either in terms of their health or personal situation and have no disposable income. Examples of applications that have been successful have come from clients who have:
    • Health issues
    • Had a drastic reduction in income leading to financial hardship
    • Have been in a domestic violence situation
    • Troubled family situation
    • Supported by drug and alcohol services
    • Have been homeless
    The above list is not exhaustive and each application is looked at on a case by case basis.

    There are regular appointment slots at Wythenshawe, Moss Side and The Ben Brierley in Moston - if you have any questions please contact Jo, Vicky or Kamil on 0161 493 2753 or email:  energy@manchestercab.org

    Friday, 19 September 2014

    Thursday, 18 September 2014

    MC-UK Feedathon

    MC-UK are getting ready for their annual feedathon which will take place over a two week period from the 9th -26th October 2014.  If you know of any individuals or organisations  who deal with vulnerable elderly,women,young people or the homeless please do put them in touch with the scheme – they are hoping to distribute 1kg bags of raw lamb meat (to be collected from the MC-UK office on Burnage Lane on Monday 6th October) or a small box of pilau rice - one per person – which will be dropped off by staff/volunteers between 9th-26th October.  Once final numbers have been confirmed, organisations will be contacted by Tuesday 30th September to confirm how many bags or containers they have been allocated. 

    All organisations who are interested in this project must let MC-UK know by Friday 26th September so that they can plan and confirm allocations per organisation.  There is no cost for this project however, they will need to take photos or video/written testimonials from either service users or staff/volunteers to show to donors how their donations have benefitted people on the ground.

    Please email tazeem.shah@mc-uk.org for further information or call on 0161 7131892.

    Thursday, 11 September 2014

    Fantastic Opportunity through GMIAU

    GMIAU are pleased to announce that they have been offered the opportunity to provide a two-year funded training contract by the Legal Education Foundation to encourage committed social welfare lawyers of the future. In GMIAU’s case this will be to someone with an interest and commitment to immigration, asylum and human rights. There are other opportunities in other areas of social welfare law.

    Applications are invited from Monday 8th September until Tuesday 30th September 2014. For full details please see the front page of their website www.gmiau.org This may not be an opportunity for you, but if you know of someone who could benefit from this, please pass it on.

    Eligibility for Fellowship
    ·         The applicant must have completed and passed the Legal Practice Course or for Govan Law Centre the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice by 30th September 2014
    ·         The applicant must be willing and able to commit to serving a two-year term as a Fellow commencing in January 2015
    ·         The applicant must have a demonstrated commitment to social welfare law. We are particularly interested in students who wish to effect change in the legal community, such as members of public interest and/or pro bono organisations on campus and those who have dedicated time to serving low-income or less privileged communities either during or prior to law school
    ·         The applicant must be in good academic standing at their law school

    CPAG Conference 2014

    Remember how we said that if there were events you couldn't make it to, we'd go for you and report back? Well that's exactly what we did with the CPAG Conference held in Manchester last week...took ourselves along, made some notes, and here they are for you so you can get a picture of what went on, what was talked about etc.


    If there any other events, meetings, or conferences which you can't get to but think would produce valuable information for forum members, let us know and we'll do what we can to be there for you!

    Monday, 8 September 2014

    Forum Dates 2014/15

    We've revised the forum dates a little from the original dates we gave you waaaaay back when we started, so just to keep you in the loop, this is what we're now looking at:

    October 16th
    December 11th
    February 12th
    April 23rd (slightly late to account for school holidays)
    June 18th
    August 20th

    As mentioned in our previous post, please let us know if you have any suggestions for future meeting topics and/or speakers by either commenting here, or on the message board.

    September Forum - Dealing With Destitution training

    At your request, we moved the August forum into September, and put on training covering Dealing with Destitution. The session was delivered by CPAG, and was a highly informative, in-depth and valuable look at how to support people through sanctions, appeals, and other complex decisions which make them highly vulnerable.

    We'd love to be able to post full information from the day, but you'd be here til next week trying to read it all, plus we don't want to rip off someone else's training! Still, we've captured a lot of the salient points for you, as well as the Forum discussion results, so we hope you'll find these useful. If you have anything to add regarding future forum topics, please comment below, or use the message board to keep us informed!


    Thursday, 28 August 2014

    DWP Phone Numbers

    At a meeting yesterday, a member of staff at a Manchester support service raised concerns that they have recently had an extraordinarily large phone bill from the line which they allow clients to use free of charge. It transpires that the leaflets people collect from Job Centre Plus / DWP are advertising 0345 numbers for people to call for support, which are premium rate. Obviously, we're concerned that if this is a widespread issue, it could cause financial issues for clients as well as for the organisations supporting them, so we'd love to hear from you - is this something you've experienced? If so, are there particular Job Centre Plus offices which are more guilty of handing out these numbers than others?

    Comment below, or drop us an email....we'll see what we can do!

    Have Your Say on a National Level!

    The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) is making a national call for evidence on the impact of welfare reforms. They feel that the voluntary sector hasn't, as yet, spoken collectively about the impact of the reforms on claimants and are keen to rectify this. They need your input, no matter what size your organisation is or what client group you work with, to let them know:
  • How the welfare reforms have affected your beneficiaries?
  • What changes have you made to your services as a direct result of the reforms and why?
  • What factors have affected your capacity to respond to changing demands?

  • To have your say and get your voice heard, go to http://www.ncvo.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=554 to complete the consultation form.

    Tuesday, 26 August 2014

    Mind Your Money Expands Remit

    Mind Your Money, the service run by City South Manchester which aims to raise awareness of good financial decisions and help people on low incomes to maximise their money, has expanded its remit. They are now able to work with all council housing and housing association tenants, so this could be a good service to signpost some of your clients to.

    Clients should call 0161 227 1125 or 07908 640 161 to find out more about how to get involved. you can also check out their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/mindyourmoneymanchester

    Friday, 22 August 2014

    New vacancy

    Manchester CAB are recruiting for a Specialist Combined Welfare Benefits and Money Advice Caseworker - the post is a temporary position on a 12 month contract, but there is a possibility of contract renewal at the end of this time. The post is full time for 35 hours per week.

    Applications must be submitted by 5pm on Tuesday 9th September, with interviews taking place the following week.

    For more information and details of how to apply, click below:

    Your Weekly News Round-Up

    Again we have rounded up some fascinating news which may be of some interest to you, have a look..


    Thursday, 21 August 2014

    Funding Opportunity

    Yorkshire Building Society are celebrating their 150th birthday by opening a Charitable Fund, which will offer 15 UK charities a grant of £10,000. Their aim is to leave a lasting impact on the communities they serve.

    The four main areas for support are charities working with Children, Elderly, Disabilities and General Public. Application close on the 5th September, and for more details, visit this page:

    Housing Associations Hit Hard

    A story which really stood out to us above all others this week was this piece in the Observer:


    The piece reports that a number of Housing Associations around the country are asking tenants to start making additional rent payments now in order to avoid rent arrears once Universal Credit kicks in. Seems to us that asking for more money from tenants who are already struggling, rather than talking to them about preparing for UC is a touch irresponsible, but what do you think? Let us know - comment below!

    Friday, 15 August 2014

    Your Weekly News Round-Up

    We are back with more interesting news this week! Have a read..


    DWP staff who care?!

    Well, ok, they're now ex-staff because they care, but all the same, we thought this story was so great it needed posting separately to the weekly news round up!

    Three ex-Job Centre Plus staff have set up a website which offers help and advice to people who believe they're been wrongly sanctioned - unsurprisingly, now people are aware of it, the site is being inundated with requests for support!

    For the full story, click here:

    Wednesday, 13 August 2014

    Helping Hands in Harpurhey

    On Tuesday 19th August, 10am - 3pm, Harpurhey Market will be open for people to come along and access information, support and advice. Northwards Housing and Help with Rent will have specialist sites outside Asda and in the main car park, and there will also be stalls in the market itself. Why not encourage your clients to pop in and get some advice?

    Friday, 25 July 2014

    Tax Credit Changes Under UC

    HMRC will be making changes to the Tax Credit renewal system as Universal Credit is introduced, meaning that from Autumn 2014 they will finalise a claimant's tax credit award as soon as they switch to UC, rather than waiting until the end of the financial year. This is likely to cause a lot of confusion for claimants and employers when calculating periods of income, so they will be holding two stakeholder events in Manchester City Centre on 6th and 13th August to talk through the transition from Tax Credit to UC, and give stakeholders the opportunity to ask questions.

    The events will be held at the Tribunals Service, 1st Floor Piccadilly Exchange, 2 Piccadilly Plaza, Mosley Street, Manchester, M1 4AH; for more details about the changes, or to book a space, email
    More information can be found below:

    Your Weekly News Round-Up

    Some interesting pieces that caught our attention this week....


    Wednesday, 23 July 2014

    MAA July Forum - and TRAINING CHOICE!

    July's Forum was a great session, with an informative talk from the Booth Centre on the new regulations for EEA migrants, as well as an opportunity for people to discuss the services their organisations offer in the hope of making better signposting connections. We also covered the usual forum 'rolling topics', as well as giving an update on what the Alliance have been up to. The notes, plus the slides from the presentation can be found below:

    Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPZ1NEejhBQkFVUGs/edit?usp=sharing
    Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPaFBUTTY3QjhLTWc/edit?usp=sharing

    Most importantly, we talked about the next forum, and we really need your feedback on this as a matter of urgency. Firstly, the topic - we're hoping to provide a full training session for either a full or half day (topic dependent) and we want to make sure it's the right choice of topic for you, so we need your input. Secondly, the date - it was due to be held on August 21st, but we recognise that services may be even more pushed than usual over the summer holidays, meaning that taking time out for training is impossible, so we're asking if it would be better to move it to the first week in September.

    What you need to do:
    Comment below, or email rosi.hunter@manchestercab.org to let us know your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices of training topic from the following options:

    PIP - what you need to know
    Universal Credit
    Welfare Reform & Sanctions
    Welfare Benefits Refresher / Update
    ESA Appeals
    Housing Benefit Problem Areas
    Bedroom Tax - 1 Year On
    Dealing with Destitution
    Challenging PIP decisions

    Also, let us know if you'd prefer to keep the date as the 21st August, or if it would be better in September.

    Please get back to us by 5pm, Monday 28th July.

    Justice for All

    Do you want to have your say on cuts to legal aid and advice services? Access to Advice and Justice Alliance North are holding a public meeting during to discuss these issues when the Labour Party Conference is on in Manchester in September. Shadow Minister Andy Slaughter MP and family lawyer Cris McCurley will be speaking, and there will be a screening of Justice Alliance's film about the impact of legal aid cuts.

    The meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd September from 5pm at Cross Street Chapel. For more information, click the link below to see the flyer:


    Friday, 18 July 2014

    Ooooooh New Feature!

    So, we thought it might be interesting for us to round up some of the main stories hitting the news each week - ones which may have slipped under your radar but might be of interest. Asia's been hard at work scouring the internet, and so your first 'weekly news round up' is attached below....enjoy!

    If you have any stories you think would be good to include in future round-ups, just email them over to asia.aziz@manchestercab.org


    Thursday, 10 July 2014

    Real Life Reform update

    A while back, we posted the first Real Life Reform report, which is tracking the impact of Welfare Reform on 100 people across Manchester through to 2015. They've actually been publishing reports every quarter, but we've just become aware of this, as the July update has been released (it includes links to the interim reports, too).

    Unsurprisingly, it's a fairly bleak picture, with headlines including '12.5% have used a food bank at least once in the last 3 months', '3 out of 10 households spend less than £20 per week on food' and unemployed households seeing a 17% reduction in the money they have left after bills. Still, an interesting and informative read - click the link below to read the full report:


    Another Job Opportunity

    There's a new job available at Manchester CAB for a Generalist Adviser in their GP Outreach team. It's a temporary post for 6 months, and applications need to be in by Monday 21st July.

    For the advert and more details, click here:

    Monday, 7 July 2014

    July Training Calendar

    Sorry, it's a little late....and a little sparse - July is clearly a quiet time for courses! But the training calendar for July is here:


    Friday, 4 July 2014

    Welfare Reform - Where Are We Up To?

    As we all know, Welfare Reform is a massive process, so it's easy to get a little bit lost about what's already happened, what's going to happen....and really, just what day of the week it is sometimes! Anyway, we can't help you with the last one, but the Social Policy Team at CAB have come up with a handy document  which looks at where we're up to with Welfare Reform, and what the process has been, just to help you keep on top of it all....take a look: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPczhrSVlEcm5kR1k/edit?usp=sharing

    Universal Credit Update

    A couple of weeks ago, we went along to the Universal Credit Stakeholder Event for the North West. Unsurprisingly, firm dates for roll-out and action were somewhat elusive, but they gave a presentation about the story so far, as well as the key principles of Universal Credit and how these will impact on people. We've included the presentation for you to see for yourself below:


    Monday, 30 June 2014

    Limited time only - Universal Credit!

    Thanks to Terry at MCC Appeals, who's alerted us to the fact that the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice are allowing FREE access to their research on Universal Credit section, but you need to get in quick, as they're only available until 3rd July!

    The articles you can access are:
    • Introduction: Universal Credit: the story so far... Roy Sainsbury, University of York, UK     
    • Universal Credit: the impact of monthly payments on low income households Yvette Hartfree, University of Bristol, UK
    • Universal Credit, ubiquitous conditionality and its implications for social citizenship Peter Dwyer, University of York, UK and Sharon Wright, University of Glasgow, UK
    • Talking Universal Credit: in conversation with Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform Roy Sainsbury, University of York, UK
    and to access them you just need to click here: http://bit.ly/1qaQ19N You won't need to register for anything, and you won't be obliged to sign up to a future subscription, so make the most of it!

    Bite-Size Guide to British Red Cross

    British Red Cross have very kindly sent us across a round-up of all their services on one handy leaflet, which may be of use to you and/or your clients:

    Also, they offer free first aid workshops to people working with particularly vulnerable groups who are more likely to require first aid. If that's you, or some of the people you work with, you can get more info here:

    Don't forget, if you've got an opportunity or a service you'd like to promote here, just email it across to rosi.hunter@manchestercab.org and we'll load it up here for you!

    Fancy Financial Inclusion?

    Remember last month when we posted about the Financial Inclusion training opportunity?.... No? Ok, well follow this link to refresh your memory: http://manchesteradvicealliance.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/fantastic-financial-inclusion-training.html

    There are still spaces available for this great opportunity, so if you're interested, get in touch with Laura Scully at City South laura.scully@citysouthmanchester.co.uk / 0161 227 1125 or just go directly to apply for the course yourself to http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/pgapplication/


    Wednesday, 25 June 2014

    We're on Twitter!

    Yes, we've decided to get all social and  find out what all this Tweeting lark's about!

    As newbies, we're pretty low on the ground follower-wise, so how about boosting our numbers and following us @AdviceAllianceM

    We'll be using the feed to let you know what the influential people are talking about, and sharing anything interesting and useful we can hunt down....and, as with the blog site, if you want to see more from us on a particular subject, just let us know and well happily oblige where we can!

    Tuesday, 24 June 2014

    Roll Up! Roll Up! July's Forum is Here!

    Yes, it's that time again already - July's Forum is now open for bookings and it would be really good to see you there.

    This month we have, at your request, Hannah from The Booth Centre coming to explain the new legislation for EEA migrants. We'll also have time dedicated to signposting, as it's something you've indicated you'd like time on; we'll give you all time to talk about the work that you do, who you work with, where you're based etc. so you have a better awareness of each others' services, but also time to chat about the problems you encounter when it comes to signposting clients, and if there's potentially something the Alliance can work on to combat this. On top of all that, we'll also cover the usual rolling agenda items, and get you up to date on what the Alliance has been up to recently.

    To book your places, click here:

    Tuesday, 17 June 2014

    Housing Associations Help Out

    Greater Manchester Housing Providers have been working together to take action on poverty for their tenants. The latest issue of their newsletter focuses on their anti-poverty pledges and the work they're doing to support tenants. It makes for quite an interesting read, and you can view it here:

    Monday, 16 June 2014

    Get Your Head Around EEA Legislation

    You've fed back through the Forums that you'd like a session on how the new legislation for EEA migrants works, as it's all pretty confusing. That's fine, and I'm currently working on that as part of the agenda for the 10th July meeting, but in the meantime we've been passed this handy flowchart which may help you to diagnose what your clients are/aren't entitled to. Take a look here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPbjdMQXcwb2ZiVkU/edit?usp=sharing

    Hope this helps!

    Do You Deserve An Award?

    ...We all know the answer's 'yes', of course, so why not nominate yourselves for the Guardian Charity Awards?

    The Awards are open to small and medium-sized charities who have been registered in the UK for at least 2 years, and have an annual turnover of £5,000 to £1.5 million. You have to be offering a service which benefits people who are disadvantaged by poverty or disability, or who are marginalised in some other way.

    There are 5 winners each year, and the prize package includes:
    • £5000
    • An iPad Mini
    • 1 year's NCVO membership
    • A tailored package of support from the FSI
    • A personalised package of communications support from Media Trust
    Definitely worth a try, right?! The initial form is really quick and easy to submit, and needs to be completed by 25th July, so you have plenty of time to enter. For full details, go to: http://www.theguardian.com/voluntary-sector-network/series/charity-awards-2014

    Good Luck!

    Parkinson's Support

    Do you have clients suffering from Parkinson's Disease in need of a little extra support?

    Jacquie Gray is the Outreach Worker for Parkinson's UK in Manchester, and can provide home visits for clients, helping with PIP, DLA, and ESA50 forms.

    If you'd like to contact her, she can be reached on 0844 225 9817, or jgray@parkinsons.org.uk. She can also organise leaflets advertising the service for you to display in your office - just contact her to request these.

    Friday, 6 June 2014

    Jobs Galore....

    It must be your lucky day, with another job vacancy available at Manchester Mind. This one's for a Welfare Benefits Adviser to work on a targeted advice service for Manchester. It does include some work outside of normal office hours, including some evenings until 8pm and some Saturday mornings. If it sounds like your kind of thing, or you know someone who'd be perfect for it, pass it on quick smart - applications close on 11th June at midday.

    More details and required forms can be found here:

    Job advert: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPel9ILXdKcGpTNlE/edit?usp=sharing
    Job Description: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPMW00X0Y5NVR5TDA/edit?usp=sharing
    Person Specification: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPMWQzbi1UUlBwSmM/edit?usp=sharing

    Marvellous May Forum!

    Massive thanks to everyone who made it to the meeting of the May Forum on the 29th. It was a really useful session, getting information about Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit and the work they do, as well as information on the new CAB system and how clients can access services.

    From the feedback form, we certainly get the feeling that people are finding the meetings really useful and informative, and are taking away lots of good practice to share with their teams, which is great news....we just want to make sure that as many people as possible can benefit! So, if you know of someone who might benefit from the forum, whether that's a specific individual or just an organisation, please email their details to me at rosi.hunter@manchestercab.org so I can make contact with them.

    We really hope we'll see you at the next forum - 10th July, 2-5pm. Venue is TBC, but will be in the city centre to make access easy for everyone. If you'd like to come, but 3 hours is difficult to manage, please get in touch - often attending for half the meeting is still productive!

    Forum Notes Here:

    New Opportunities

    They're at it again!! Manchester CAB have got another couple of vacancies opened up in their energy teams.... There are 3 Trainee Community Adviser posts available in the British Gas Energy Team, and one Trainee Better Financial Health Money Adviser post in the NPower team. Applications close on Thursday 19th June, so if you're interested, or know someone who would be suitable, please pass on the information - full job details via the link below :-)


    Tuesday, 27 May 2014

    Helping Harpurhey

    From 10am - 3pm on 3rd June, people can pop in to Harpurhey Shopping Centre to get a range of advice and support from various stalls - Northwards Housing have a stall by Gala Bingo, and Help With Rent will be in the main car park, as well as others at stalls on the market.

    See the flier attached for details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPN3N0Zy1kVmVCSDg/edit?usp=sharing

    Fantastic Financial Inclusion Training Opportunity

    City South Housing Trust have partnered with Liverpool John Moores University to provide a fantastic training opportunity -  you could receive a Master's Level Certificate in Professional Development on their course, 'Promoting Financial Inclusion in Low Income Communities'.

    The course is run over 5 full days (9.30-4) at fortnightly intervals:

    Sept 26th
    Oct 10th
    Oct 24th
    Nov 7th
    Nov 21st

    with a 6th day optional for essay support on the 12th December. Days will be supported by e-learning, private study and optional tutorials.

    The course costs £350, which includes membership of the university with all facilities for one semester.

    A flier with more detailed information is attached here:
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPMTc3Ql92T0F1Q2c/edit?usp=sharing which also includes contact details.

    Friday, 16 May 2014

    Sussing out Sanctions

    Still completely baffled by the whole sanction system?! Join the club.... But don't despair; the Salvation Army have created a couple of toolkits for dealing with sanctions at all levels - how to prevent them, how to appeal them, and coping with the impacts. Certainly well worth a read...

    Full version:

    Short version:

    Thursday, 15 May 2014

    Shiny new jobs....

    A few more job alerts for you!

    Firstly, The Men's Room have two positions available, as they've received new funding from Arts Council England. The positions are for Director and Administrator & Finance Officer. More details can be found on their website: http://www.mroom.co.uk/get-involved/jobs

    Secondly, Manchester CAB are recruiting for a fixed term post as a Money Advice Caseworker, initially until 31st March 2015, with the possibility of extension. You can see more details of the post and how to apply here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPUnVqS0p3ZS1GVkE/edit?usp=sharing

    Friday, 9 May 2014

    Want to know more about migration in Manchester?

    Manchester City Council, as part of their 'Integration Up North' programme, are running a half day session on the morning of 20th May - 'An Introduction to Migration in Manchester'. The event's being held at Bolton's Quaker Meeting House from 9:30 - 12:45, and will enable participants to gain an improved understanding of the different migrant groups, routes of entry into the UK, the basic rights and entitlements of migrants and the barriers many migrants face when accessing services. If that's not enough, it's free and (crucially) includes free lunch!

    You can find more info and the booking form below, and the form needs to be returned by 5pm, Tuesday 13th May. If you have any questions, you should contact Helen Welch (0161 234 5599) or Kathy Clayton (07949 729 476)

    Flier: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPOFM5WUlGeWN3Uzg/edit?usp=sharing
    Booking Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1aWoCJw0ptPRkZ3YXo1ZDlUdFE/edit?usp=sharing

    Thursday, 8 May 2014

    Extended Deadline - Call for Evidence

    We've extended the deadline on our Call for Evidence: Job Centre Plus. Please get stories to us by the end of next week to have them included in the evidence we present to DWP decision makers!

    Asylum Help

    On Thursday, 24th April I attended a presentation at the Friend's Meeting House about the new Asylum Help service, which has recently been awarded the National Asylum Support contract. I've written up the notes I took here, and attached them alongside the powerpoint slides, which they have now shared with us, and their definition of vulnerability. I also emailed Migrant Help a couple of additional questions which I didn't have time to ask on the day....this is why it's taken a while to get the notes up, but I've now had the following response:

    Q - At the meeting, there were concerns raised about a largely telephone-based service offering support if someone has a letter which they can’t interpret, as the adviser cannot see the letter. While it was explained that people in this scenario would either have a rough gist of the letter’s content, or would need to work with a friend/family member to have them explain the rough idea, how will Asylum Help be able to assist people without this support network?

    As you rightly say, most clients will have someone to help them understand the letter or to explain it to the helpline adviser – this can be a friend or family member or a community or voluntary sector organisation. If it is a letter from the Home Office (and most probably will be), we can also request a copy of this letter to be sent to us.

    Q - Similarly, on the Application Support helpline, how will advisers manage to support without being able to see an applicant’s supporting documentation to fully understand the circumstances?

    Our advisers will explain to clients which documents they need for their application. In case where we need to see the original document, we will send a free post envelope to the client so that they can send us the document – this is a special delivery arrangements and the document will be returned to the client the same way.

    Q - It was clear that Asylum Help are keen to make links with other agencies which can support clients face-to-face; do you have a list of these agencies? Additionally, if agencies also want to make links with Asylum Help to ensure clients are getting a well-rounded, joined up service, is there someone they can contact? We work with a wide network of advice agencies across the city, some of whom may be keen to make connections.

    The Community Liaison Officer responsible for your region will be collating all this information and will be responsible for building partnership and putting referral mechanisms in place. This person will be in post by the end of May and we will distribute his/her contact details as soon as possible.
    Links to the notes and presentations are here:

    More Job Opportunities!

    Manchester CAB's British Gas Energy Trust and NPower teams have new posts available - 4 with BG, and 1 with NPower. The job advert is linked below, and the closing date for applications is the 22nd May.


    Tuesday, 29 April 2014

    Computer Skills for Clients

    So, if you didn't already know, the Alliance is working on setting up Online Access Points where your clients can fill in benefit claims online and get online information with the support of trained volunteers (updates on that soon); but what can you do for clients who need help with basic computer skills before this is an option for them?

    CitySouth Housing are offering free computer skills classes at either beginner or intermediate level. The Basics course is 3 days a week for 5 weeks and is based at the Powerhouse Library in Moss Side. The Improvers course starts on May 19th and runs for 7 weeks, 2 days per week. Attending will not affect benefit payments, and will result in an Open Awards certificate - either Entry Level or Level 1 ICT. The courses are open to all residents in the area, whether they are City South residents or not.

    Anyone wishing to find out more can attend an induction day on May 14th, between 10am and 2pm. To book a place, call Lorraine or Amy on 0161 227 1346/1350.